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Showing posts from April 24, 2021

THIS is what’s killing your heart, not cholesterol

  These genius researchers have finally found a way to  prevent Heart Attacker! Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that your own body makes up 75% of your total cholesterol... And they REALLY don’t want you to know that for many of us cholesterol isn’t such a bad thing after all. It's only when your arteries are facing too much oxidation that cholesterol becomes a problem. That's because it can't move through your system freely so it builds up. It's also why those who treat their oxidation problem instead of their cholesterol problem, actually see a dramatic decline in their total cholesterol. It can happen in as little as a few weeks. That's why instead of cholesterol-lowering drugs and eliminating foods that raise your cholesterol from your diet has not been things I've recommended to clients for more than a decade now. Instead, I've told them to take this natural compound. It reduces your oxidation, doubles the effect of CoQ10, and after just a few weeks...
